Camper Info

Camper Registration 2024

Camp Rules

Packing List

Welcome Campers!

Mission Lake Christian Camp is prepared to bring you each a very unique camp experience filled with fun, friendship and challenges! This year MLCC will be focusing on being “ROYAL” based on 1st Peter 2:9

“But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD…”

Each camper will learn about the four “R”s that come with being ROYAL:


Camp Rules

  1. All campers and staff must be where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there. Stay within the camp boundaries. If you have to leave, you must sign out with the dean.

  2. If you have a guest, they must check in and out with the dean. Visitors are expected to conform to camp policies.

  3. Dress must be modest. If a staff member feels you are immodest, they will discreetly ask you to change. If gals are wearing a two piece swimsuit, you must wear a dark t-shirt over it.

  4. No PDA! The P stands for public or private! Males and females are forbidden to enter each other’s dorms or designated areas at any time. You may not be out of your dorm/cabin after lights out.

  5. The possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and firearms are prohibited.

  6. No electronic devices: games, ipods, cd players, walkie talkies, cell phones, etc. If you are caught with them, they will be taken and returned at the end of camp.

  7. No phone calls without permission. This includes cell phones.

  8. No profane or obscene language or coarse joking.

  9. You are not to be in vehicles for any reason, except for traveling to and from camp activities. Vehicles are to be parked for the duration of camp. Only the dean can authorize their use.

  10. All prescription or non-prescription drugs must be given to and administered by the nurse. If you are sick or have an injury, immediately report it to the nurse. (turn in medications during registration)

  11. No food or drinks in the dorms/cabins. Staff too!!

  12. If you damage camp property, your parents will get the bill. You don’t want that!

  13. Campers are under the authority of any staff member. All campers/staff are under the authority and supervision of the deans. Failure to comply with camp rules may result in dismissal from camp for the remainder of the week.

Download these rules

Packing List

Please bring:


notebook and writing utensils

sleeping bag or sheet/blanket



outdoor clothes


swim wear



money for canteen and missions

sun screen

medications (if any, turn in with instructions during registration)

bug spray

small flashlight

rain gear

extra pair of shoes

Download Packing List