
Thank you for taking time off from your schedule to pour into the campers that are going to be at your week of camp. Please take a moment and look over this page and contact your Dean if you have any question. At the end of your camp week, please fill out the evaluation to help us improve camp.

Information for Staff

Welcome Duties of Camp Staff Handbook Staff Evaluation


So you decide to help staff a week of camp at MLCC? PRAISE GOD FOR SOMEONE SUCH AS YOU!!!

A person who is willing to accept a great task and the awesome responsibility of being Staff, is very special person.

Camp is a training ground for Christians, a place to mature in the Lord. Camp is a place where the lost become Christians. It is a place where relationships are learned, tested and tried. Your task is great task, but is done with God working through you!

The present constitution of the Mission Lake Christian Camp states “The objective, purpose and pursuit of this camp shall be to provide for the young people of this area facilities for Christian training, Christian recreation and Christian fellowship; to develop strong Christian leadership for the church of tomorrow;…” In addition, the camp experience provides opportunities and training in which persons who are not yet Christians may be won to Christ and His church as it is set forth in the New Testament where a place where Christian people of all ages (campers and staff) may be built up in the Christian faith and life.

You have a real challenge as you see that the right combination of study, recreations and spiritual growth are melded together for every camper as an individual. Camping is an individual thing and Mission Lake is made up of individuals. As God’s message is applied to individual lives the blessings come from God.

The camp experience seeks to develop the total person, not only in the relationship between campers, but also between the camper and God and thus there is a possibility of complete change taking place.


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Duties of Camp Staff

  1. Our instructions to the faculty are few. Be the embodiment of Christian principles. Don’t be guilty of any un-Christian acts. Be above reproach. In all problems, find the right answer by asking, “What would Jesus have me do?”

  2. TEACHING: There is no greater responsibility to camp than teaching. Others may receive the limelight, but the teacher bears the greater responsibility. Come to camp PREPARED, have a plan and follow it! You are not coming to camp as “just a teacher” – this is the most important responsibility as far as preparing the campers for service for the King!

  3. SPONSORING: In addition to possibly teaching a class, you will be expected to service as a sponsor of one of the groups. Be creative, give encouragement! Have frequent meetings, and help the campers with their plans – don’t cheat them out of the joy of planning something they can do themselves. Be a guide to youth even during competitive events. We try to keep our group small so we can have a conversation with every member of your group every day. Show a personal interest in their problems, their hopes and their ambitions.

  4. DEVOTIONS: Set the example – your devotional life will be catching. Be at the morning devotions with the campers to “prepare yourself” for the day. As a sponsor, you will be responsible for leading the prayer circle for your group. Say a few words about prayer, or events of the day, and then have someone start the prayers. It is better if you have another faculty member or you close the prayers. For the sake of new campers, explain how we “pass the prayer on” in the prayer circle. Encourage each member to pray.

  5. BOOST THE CAMP SPIRIT: Never let a camper or faculty member “get down” on a faculty member of the management of the camp. Talk up the camp! Your attitude in talking up the camp will rub off on others and the campers will go home with a positive attitude. Teach the campers by your example of always giving others the “benefit of the doubt.” Keep telling yourself, “Boy, I’m having a good time!”

  6. SCHEDULE: You are expected to keep the daily camps schedule same as the campers. Your attitude toward “authority” will rub off, good or bad. Sometimes faculty may be called home for duties with local congregation. Arrange with the Dean for someone to assume your duties, and report your going to the Dean.

  7. CAMP IS FOR THE CAMPERS: We want all to enjoy camp, but never forget your responsibility to God and to the campers. DO YOUR JOB…. AND DO IT WELL !!! THE PAY IS POOR….BUT THE FELLOWSHIP IS SWELL !!

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The Deans Handbook provides planning information and camp policies that you should be familiar with. Ideas to improve the handbook should be provided to the registrar.

Download the Deans Handbook

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Dean’s Evaluation

Before you leave camp, please fill out the Staff Evaluation before you leave camp. This will be used to help us improve camp in the future.

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